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May 18, 2022 5 min read


Understanding Hair System Bases

Living with hair loss can be a challenge, especially regarding its impact on physical appearance. Many hair loss solutions have traditionally been focused on women, although more and more people recognize that hair loss affects men just as much. Fortunately, the discourse on hair loss is changing, and incredibly sophisticated and comfortable hair loss solutions are emerging for men as well as women. 


One of these solutions is to utilize a hair system. Hair systems are a convenient and practical alternative that doesn’t compromise realism. The technology behind hair systems is more advanced than ever, and there are countless options for you to choose from. The hair system type you choose will ultimately be decided by various factors such as your lifestyle, attributes, and your preferences. 


For example, hair systems are available with various bases, and a particular base will be suited to a specific person. In this guide, we’re going to explore the most common hair system bases and their distinguishing features so that you can make an informed decision when choosing your hair system.



What Are Hair System Bases?


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When it comes to hair systems, the base is the essential material used to construct the foundation for the hair system. It is the layer to which the hair will be attached and anchored. It is the most critical part of the hair system because the base will secure the hair system to your scalp while keeping the hair itself in place. 


There are countless hair system types, and one way hair systems are categorized is by the kind of base they have. With regards to bases, some of the more popular hair system styles include Thin Skin, French Lace, Swiss Lace, Mono Lace, Q6, and C1. We will be looking at each of these bases and what they are suited for.



Thin Skin


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As the name would indicate, Thin Skin hair systems have an incredibly thin base. This is undoubtedly their most distinguishing feature because it ensures unparalleled realism and overall longevity. The base is designed to closely resemble your skin so that it merges seamlessly into your hairline. A Thin Skin base is probably one of the most lightweight and invisible systems that can be found on the hair system market. The base molds itself perfectly to your scalp, ensuring a natural appearance and meaning that it is more or less undetectable while you are wearing it.  


The thin skin base is non-porous, however. This means that air, water, and sweat can’t easily pass through the base. If you live in a warmer climate, have an extremely active lifestyle, or tend to sweat, then there’s a chance that your base could feel humid and heavy. In this scenario, you will probably want to choose an alternative such as a French Lace hair system made from a mesh material explicitly intended for breathability.


 French Lace


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A French Lace hair system base is a brilliant option if you want something long-lasting and durable. French Lace has always been a popular material for hair systems, primarily because hair systems with this base tend to be so much more comfortable than hair systems with other bases. The way they are created, with the hair tied through the Lace, means that the hairline becomes virtually undetectable for a wonderfully realistic appearance. 


Since lace hair systems are so breathable and lightweight, they are a brilliant option for someone with a reasonably active lifestyle or who lives in a warmer climate. It is perhaps for this reason that French Lace is the default material for lace systems. However, other lace systems such as Swiss Lace and Mono Lace are worth considering.


           Swiss Lace – This is an even more breathable and lightweight base material than French Lace. Since it is so thin, it is incredibly soft and offers unparalleled realism. Because of this, it is more fragile and delicate and, therefore, not quite as durable or long-lasting as French Lace. If you don’t mind replacing your hair system more frequently, one with a Swiss Lace base might be perfect.


           Mono Lace – A Mono Lace base is a combination of two materials, monofilament, and Lace. Mono Lace is designed to combine the best properties of each material – the strength of the monofilament with the natural appearance of the Lace. Mono Lace is essentially a monofilament base with a lace front, and it also happens to be one of the strongest hair system bases. 


Composite Lace Base, Q6


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Q6, or composite lace base, consists of French Lace for the front of the hair system and then Thin Skin for the back and the sides. The Thin Skin element lets you quickly apply and remove the hair system while also enabling straightforward cutting and bonding of the base itself. On the other hand, the French Lace creates a natural appearance that merges flawlessly with your scalp and hairline. 


Of course, your lifestyle choices will influence whether Q6 is the hair system base for you. For example, if you prefer the breathability of a French Lace base but want something more durable, then a Q6 is the perfect compromise. Alternatively, you might usually wear a Thin Skin hair system during the colder months, but you’re concerned about how breathable it will be during the summer. A Q6 base will give you the convenience of a Thin Skin hair system with much of the breathability of a French Lace one.



Monofilament Base, C1


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Compared to Skin hair systems and Lace hair systems, hair systems with a Mono base haven’t been around for as long. However, they shouldn’t be underestimated, as they are a fantastic and functional alternative to Skin and Lace bases. Essentially, a monofilament hair system has a base constructed with a thin, mesh, nylon-like material called monofilament fabric. It resembles French Lace in some ways, but the mesh is noticeably smaller and denser. When the hair system is created, each strand of hair is individually tied to this mesh. 


Although it is somewhat breathable, a Monofilament Base isn’t as comfortable and porous as Lace hair systems. Instead, this base is known for its strength and durability because the mesh is so compact, making it less prone to damage, breakage, and shedding. Suppose you don’t live in a particularly humid climate or engage in athletic activities too frequently. In that case, a Monofilament Base may be the long-lasting and reliable hair system you have been looking for. Your Hair Matters can get you what you need in no time at all. Give us a call at 844-946-4247 or send us an email at