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February 22, 2022 4 min read

Knowledge Is Empowering

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is a type of hair loss that typically occurs in men. This type of hair loss is characterized by a receding hairline and a thinning crown, and it usually happens due to a combination of hormonal changes and a genetic predisposition. Whatever the reason, losing your hair can be challenging to come to terms with at any point in your life. Therefore, it may be comforting to know that it is such a common condition that it will affect more than half of men by the time they are 50.


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Undoubtedly, you are passionate about your hair, especially about finding a solution to your hair loss rather than just accepting it. There is nothing more empowering than knowledge. The deeper your understanding, the stronger your position will be when making an informed choice on the perfect solution for you, your preferences, and your lifestyle. Following are ten statistics about male pattern baldness that you should absolutely know:

#1 The Underlying Cause Is Genetic

According to the American Hair Loss Association, a shocking 95 percent of hair loss in men is caused by androgenic alopecia. This is an inherited trait that basically increases your genetic sensitivity to a by-product of the hormone testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). While there is not much you can do to prevent the onset or progression of male pattern baldness; there are many options in the realm of hair replacements and hair restoration. For example, there are realistic and undetectable hair systems.


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#2 It Can Begin At Any Age

Despite widespread misconceptions, male pattern baldness isn’t an indicator of your age or overall health. Around 20 percent of men who have hereditary male pattern baldness start to lose their hair before they have turned 21. By the age of 50, 85 percent of men will have hair that is significantly thinner than it used to be. It is essential to remember that you aren’t alone in this, whatever your age.


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#3 Some Men Are More Susceptible Than Others

A report on male pattern baldness commissioned by GlaxoSmithKline revealed that one in seven men have genetic variations which may increase their likelihood of developing this condition. To be more precise, the study showed a couple of genetic variations that will make you seven times more likely to experience male pattern baldness. This study turned out to be a significant discovery and hopefully paved the way for further research on this subject.


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#4 Women Can Also Have Male Pattern Baldness

The term ‘male pattern baldness’ indicates that this condition is exclusive to men when the truth is that these patterns of baldness are shown to affect an estimated 50 percent of women throughout the world. Women and men produce testosterone to varying degrees, and it is known that this hormone is one of the main components of this type of hair loss. Since women have less testosterone than men, they are at a lower risk, but it is a risk that still exists.


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#5 It Can Seriously Effect Self-Esteem

The impact of male pattern baldness is not just physical, and it can also have substantial psychosocial effects. A 2019 study demonstrated that androgenic alopecia lowered the quality of life for many men, especially regarding self-perception and interpersonal relationships. Your hair is an integral part of the way you present and perceive yourself, which is why investing in a reliable and quality hair restoration solution can dramatically improve your confidence and self-image.


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#6 Male Pattern Baldness Is Not Induced By Stress

Many myths surround male pattern baldness, and one of them is that it is induced by stress. While stress can be responsible for other types of hair loss, such as alopecia areata, it has nothing to do with androgenic alopecia. The same applies to additional lifestyle factors such as activity levels and dietary habits because the only causes of male pattern baldness are hormones and genetics.


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#7 There Are Ethnic Differences

A particularly fascinating discovery in male pattern baldness research is that your ethnicity often indicates your likelihood of developing it. The highest incidence is among Caucasians, followed by Afro-Caribbeans. The prevalence of androgenic alopecia is relatively low for men of East-Asian descent. However, what is interesting is that this type of hair loss does not occur in Native Americans for an unknown reason.


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#8 You Will Lose 50 Percent Of Your Hair Before It Becomes Noticeable

One staggering statistic is that you will have to lose approximately 50 percent of your hair density before others notice that you suffer from male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss progresses quite slowly, and there is a high chance that even though you feel your hair is thinning, it hasn’t yet significantly affected your physical appearance. In this situation, you might consider a more flexible and less permanent hair restoration solution, such as a hair system.


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#9 It Can Be Inherited From Either Side Of Your Family

Approximately 40 percent of men believe that the genetic predisposition for male pattern baldness is passed down through your maternal grandfather. However, genetics are incredibly complicated, and this explanation is too simplistic. Countless variables and factors interact with each other as far as genetics are concerned. Essentially, if male pattern baldness exists on either side of your family, then your risk of experiencing it increases significantly.


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#10. Alternative Solutions Are Constantly Emerging

Until recently, the only viable solutions for male pattern baldness were medications or surgery. While these are still brilliant and effective options, they don’t necessarily work for everyone. Fortunately, the development of innovative technologies and advanced materials means that refined and reliable alternatives are becoming more and more mainstream.


One such alternative is a hair system. Modern hair systems can be applied within minutes with either tape or glue, and they are practically indistinguishable from your natural hair. There are absolutely no limitations to wearing them, and you can shower, exercise, sleep and even swim. They have evolved far beyond the old-school toupee, and with this sophisticated solution, you can take back complete control over your appearance, personal autonomy, and self-esteem.

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